Sunday, October 21, 2012

My hunting adventure!!

So this weekend was the beginning of the deer hunt. For me, that means camping with my Papa, my family and my cousins. I don't actually hunt, unless you count taking my baby brother "bear hunting". Most people call that hiking:) This year my dad let me shoot his gun at cans and bottles . It was fun. I was a good shot. I also loved playing hide and seek in and around Papa's barn. I have to say I am a pretty good hider.

Everyone was so excited when the guys shot a deer. But I didn't like it because I thought it was mean. I did like to help clean it because I learned all about the inside. I saw the wind pipe, heart, liver, stomach and so much more. It was fascinating.
Thank you for reading my blog. I love to hear new people that talk about it. If you have a chance tell me what you love to do in the fall.

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