Sunday, October 21, 2012

My hunting adventure!!

So this weekend was the beginning of the deer hunt. For me, that means camping with my Papa, my family and my cousins. I don't actually hunt, unless you count taking my baby brother "bear hunting". Most people call that hiking:) This year my dad let me shoot his gun at cans and bottles . It was fun. I was a good shot. I also loved playing hide and seek in and around Papa's barn. I have to say I am a pretty good hider.

Everyone was so excited when the guys shot a deer. But I didn't like it because I thought it was mean. I did like to help clean it because I learned all about the inside. I saw the wind pipe, heart, liver, stomach and so much more. It was fascinating.
Thank you for reading my blog. I love to hear new people that talk about it. If you have a chance tell me what you love to do in the fall.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Lovin the Leaves

Today was such a great fall day! When we woke up it was cold but by afternoon I didn't need a jacket. Actually it was so nice that we went on an afternoon walk in the mountains. I took a big ziplock bag to hold all the treasures I found. I found many many awesome leaves, two snail shells, many unique rocks, and one zebra striped feather. I love the outdoors.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Whoa it's been awhile.

Sorry that I have been slacking on my blog. I have been so busy with the start of this school year. Also when I want to blog my mom isn't always ready, so it is also her fault.
I love this time of year. My mom, my brothers and I decorated for Halloween the last week of September. My dad thought we were starting too early but we couldn't wait. Our neighbor gave us corn stalks and we picked out all kinds of pumpkins. We are ready for the holiday!
I was also lucky enough to be invited to my friend's birthday party. I only get to see her a few times a year and it was awesome. We went to a gym and played on trampolines, bars, and mats. It was a great day! Thanks Corrine!
Other than that I have spent a lot of time with my brothers playing outside. I have been practicing climbing our rope outside and can finally reach the top. It is scary coming down though.
I will do better to keep up on my blog. What have you been up to????