Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's been awhile!!

Sorry that I haven't been blogging this week. The life of this second grader is full!! My weekend was fun. I got to give a talk to a whole bunch of grown-ups on Sunday. It was so much fun being in the spotlight.
Yesterday school was awesome and when I got home my mom said we were eating dinner up the canyon. We roasted hotdogs, played games in the trees and ate yummy s'mores! Great start to my week.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Much Better Day.

Today at school our teacher took us to the library. Also I was able to play with my friends outside. We have three recesses and that is awesome. At the end of the day I got to ride the bus home for the first time in my life. It was fun.
After school our dance group had a party at the pool. So me and my brothers were able to have one last day at the pool. It was so much fun swimming with friends.
Tell me what you are doing to celebrate the end of summer?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The First Day of Second Grade

The day didn't start as planned. The day I looked forward to started with a sick Grace. I thought I would get better, but by lunch time I was calling my mom. Hopefully day two is better. What is your most memorable first day of school?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Farmer's Market

Friday night my grandma picked me up so that we could have an early start for the farmers market in Salt Lake. It was so much fun! We bought bread, fruit tarts and lots of fresh fruit.
Later that afternoon we made the best jam ever. I think I'll eat it every day until its gone. I really have the best grandma!!
I also had an exciting Sunday! My dad finished the treehouse. It is awesome. It has a roof and a porch! I finished it off with a rope letter carrier. Feel free to drop by and send a letter up the rope.
I hope you had a great weekend too! Tell me what you did!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A surprise Party!

Today I spent the day with my cousin Leah! It was her birthday. When she arrived I had the whole room decorated. We also played games, made cupcakes and did make-up! I hope she had as much fun as I did.

Summer Party for Us!

On Tuesday I surprised my mom and brother with a summer party. I made candy kabobs, lemonade, and magic fruit bowls. We played with water and in the tree house. I was also prepared with prizes. My mom won crystal light and my brother won suckers. It was FUN!

Monday, August 13, 2012

My fantastic summer day!!

My day was fantastic because I went to an end of summer, here comes school, party!!! Then I spent the evening rollerblading. Yes, it was fantastic!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

An Awesome Adventurous Weekend.

This weekend I went camping at my grandpa's farm. We slept in our camper. We also roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. When we were leaving I notices a toad hopping around and I caught it! It was a wet tiny toad and I took it to live at my grandma's pond.
At my grandma's house we spent the day getting corn ready to freeze for the winter. It was hard work!
The last part of my weekend was the demolition derby. I got to play and hang out with my friend Ally. It was fun when her mom won the powder puff.
Share your favorite part of your weekend!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Adventures of Hogle Zoo.

Today we saw the new polar bear at the zoo. Then we got my favorite ice cream..... dip n dots. but really the best part was being with great friends that I don't get to see very often.

Question of The Day????

Why are Polar bears white?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Adventures of a regular summer day!

My day started out with the adventure of swimming. The water felt cool and nice. I did a front flip off the diving board. It was great.
My next adventure was a bike ride I found a weird nut thing. I also picked a lot of flowers.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Question of the day?????

Do you think boy cats and girl cats have different voices like the way men and women do?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Today was adventurous!

Today I had two adventures and one to come. I went to Josh's babtism and got a new camper. It was so fun to play with my cousins. We made a traveling lemonade stand and sold to all the neighbors.
After we left I went with my dad to get our camper. I played in it all night with my baby brother.
The last thing is I get to stay up late to see my friend who is passing through town. Can't wait to see her.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The adventures of birthday parties

Today my adventure was going to a birthday party. Everyone had to bring a Barbie. We drew clothes for dolls, We all got makeovers, and we got to bring home a new outfit for our barbie. I am planning on using a piece of fabric that I got to make a belt for Becca's new baby girl. The party was a fun adventure.

Question of the day.

I thought it would be fun to give you a question that I think about each day. My question today is........ Why do white clothes get so dirty but white cars and houses hide dirt?? Comments are welcome.

An adventure in June

In June I had a surprise. I went to New York City. My favorite adventure was going to the American Girl store. I took by dolls Julie and Emily.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

           Welcome to my blog! You will feel like you are seeing my adventures in real life.

Today was an adventure because..... I made color water. I took shirt dye and put it in water. I had to be careful because it stains. The adventure was over when my little brother spilled it. No more color water! Then I wished that traveling "by map" was real.....because we could go to China or England.