Monday, December 24, 2012

Cutting Down the Christmas Tree

We were a week late this year. But finally one Sunday we headed out for the perfect tree. I helped my mom make a picnic and we packed up all our snow gear. I thought my mom was crazy when she put our snow boots, gloves, hats and coats in the truck. Our grass was still green! But good thing she did. When we got to Holden canyon there was SNOW! We drove along way up the mountain before we stopped. On our way we saw lots of deer and even a bald eagle. After we stopped we hiked around looking for the right one. I was the finder. Everyone agreed that the tree I found couldn't be beat. So my dad got out the chainsaw and went to work. On our way down the mountain we stopped for a picnic and some gun shooting. That sure was fun!! It really was a great day. Where did you get your Christmas tree this year?

The Day After Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving we always make gingerbread houses. My grandma has made an awesome tradition of decorating houses every year after thanksgiving. She even invites all my cousins and my mom's sisters. This year the houses turned out great. Every one was unique. Mine had a roof of m&ms and an ice rink on the side. This was the first year I was old enough to do most of the decorating on my own. What is your tradition for Thanksgiving weekend?

Thanksgiving with family.

This Thanksgiving I was lucky because my cousin Emma was staying with us. She decided she did not want to spend the holiday in Las Vegas watching her brother Troy play hockey. We had a ton of fun and she even spent Thanksgiving day with us. We went to my grandparents. My grandma is an amazing cook. So we ate and ate and ate. It was fun to see my cousins and family. My grandpa surprised us with a super fun horse buggy ride we rode all around town. I was lucky because we saw my teacher at her in laws and my friend Savanna at her grandparents. I was very thankful that say. What were you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I have the best grandma ever!

On a Saturday in early November my grandma let me make apple sauce with her. We made different kinds with different spices. She even made extra for me to give to my grandpa Phillips. She is a wonderful grandma. She teaches me all kinds of awesome stuff. I am super lucky! What kinds of things have you learned from your grandparents??

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Oh it was a great day!! I had been asking for a dog for what seems like forever. My mom let me stay up late waiting for his arrival. My dad pulled in and I ran out and saw the cutest puppy ever. Mom and dad had already let me pick his name, Luke. He is going to be a great buddy!!! Do you have a favorite pet? Tell me about it.

Last Camping Trip of the Year

The first weekend of November we had our last camp out of this year. There were leaves everywhere. It was perfect weather. After the sun came up we went for a little hike. We threw lots of rocks into the stream. And my brother and I put on a play for my mom about nature. But the best part was after we left we went down to Kanosh and met our soon to be new puppy. He was 7 weeks old.... One more week and he would be my new dog Luke. What a great weekend. What did you do to celebrate the end of Fall?

Happy Halloween

This year Halloween was awesome! The first party was Monday at music. My brother and I decided to dress up in old costumes and save our real ones for real Halloween. On Halloween day we had a party at school. I liked the parade best. I loved seeing all the costumes at school. Later that evening we had a party at my house. My whole family dressed as super heroes. My cousins and grandma came along with lots of neighborhood friends. We made witches brew, killed a piƱata, and ate lots of candy!!! Later that night I went trick or treating with my cousins. It was a great Halloween!!! What did you do??

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blame it on the Mop!!

Dear Readers, I am sorry that I have not blogged for a month. Just before Halloween my mom was mopping the floor and dropped her phone into the mop bucket. When that happened she lost all her passwords ( my password) and login information. So it has taken me awhile to get things back. I thought it safer to blame it on the mop than blame it on my mother. Please watch for make-up posts. What have you been doing this past month?