Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lehman's Cave

This weekend I was lucky enough to go camping. I went with my family and grandma and grandpa. We went to celebrate Grandpa's birthday.
We drove to the Great Basin National Park. Our camp site was at the top of Mt. Wheeler. It was beautiful. I saw a lot of chipmunks. Some actually climbed on my dad's legs when he was reading.
My brother and I made a play area around our camp. I made a teeter totter, an obstacle course and grandpa made a swing out of rope! It was awesome.
Saturday morning we went to Lehman's cave. I was surprised that there was a door on the cave. I thought it would be a big hole. I saw "historical graffiti". Some of the first explorers left their initials with candles. The best part was that the ranger told us the cave was still alive and growing. We saw water dripping off the beautiful formations.
Back at camp I played cards and dominoes with my family. Then my dad taught me how to use a slingshot. It was fun. I also went exploring. I loved playing in the stream that we found.
Sunday morning when we woke up we saw the chipmunks stealing our crumbs. I set a trap but never caught one.
It was a great weekend!! Tell me your favorite place to camp.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A super busy day!

Yes, I had a super busy day. School was great. I jumped rope with my friend Amber. It is my new favorite recess activity.
After school my moon took me to get a hair cut. We compromised. I didn't want it cut and my mom wanted me bald. So we went somewhere in between.
Right after the hair cut we were off to singing class. It was the first class of the year. I liked being back with my singing friends.
After singing I went home and had to do homework until piano lessons. I love piano lessons because I have such a nice teacher.
When things settled down I planned a scavenger hunt for my mom. I left her notes and clues all over the house. It was fun!!
Yes , it was a very busy day!! What makes your day busy and crazy??

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life is good!

One of my favorite things to do is go on a bike ride with my brother after dinner. On Tuesday we stopped at a little bridge and did some exploring.
Today I started swim lessons again. It was awesome. After lessons I jumped off the high dive over and over. I love swimming!
What do you love doing this time of year???

Monday, September 3, 2012

A great Labor Day!

Today I woke up excited and ready for the best day. I knew we were going to Papa's. We drive to the farm and caught the horses. I rode my horse, Princess. We rode for about an hour and then got off to look for arrow heads and Indian pottery. I found some great treasures.
After horse riding we went to town for lunch, games and the rodeo. I ran in the foot race and dug in the pit for money.
At the rodeo I was the first sheep rider to start out the fun. I hung on better this year than last. Next year I'll be even better. The next event for kids was the money cow. I chased that cow all over the arena. Then I finally caught it and pulled $2 off. What a great Labor Day!!!