Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Fun Track Season

This was my first year trying track and field. I really liked it. It was fun to practice with my friends and learn from the high school track team. My favorite part was always the standing long jump. I think I'll  really practice that for next year. Today we had our end of season party. We had ice cream bars and played dodgeball. I can't wait until next year. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Splashing Around on a Very Hot Day

After tumbling we thought we were headed home. But on the way my mom stopped at a splash pad. She brought our suits and didn't even tell us! We were so happy. It was a very hot day and the cold water was awesome. I liked putting my foot over the spout to try to stop the water. Ladd liked karate chopping the towers of water. Jack liked coping us. What do you like to do on a splash pad? 

Checking Out New Parks

We decided this summer we would check out the parks in the towns around us. Last week we went to the Spanish Fork park. It was really fun! It had all kinds of fun exploring equipment. Also it had some shade which is unusual for playgrounds. I highly recommend you check out this one. Where
is your favorite city park? 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hiking in Pole Canyon

Our first official hike of the summer was up Mnt. Nebo's Pole Canyon. We took a picnic lunch and had an adventure. My mom designated me the nature guide. I chose where we went. We walked down to the creek and found a little cave under tree roots. We could tell that some sort of animal likes to sleep there. We decided that it was a mountain lion. Then we had to throw a couple of hundred rocks into the creek. After that we hiked up a hill and picked up a lot of sticks and gave my mom a lot of flowers to put in her hair ( don't tell the forest ranger). It was a fun little hike. Where do you like hiking? 

A Pulley in the Treehouse

My brother, Ladd got a pulley from my grandma for his birthday. We decided the best place for it was the treehouse. My dad helped us put it up and boy was it fun. The biggest thing we pulled up was my baby brother's car. Why? Because we could! It is super fun to use and makes us feel strong:) What do you think we should pull up? 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The End of Second Grade

Another school year behind me. Second grade was the best so far. I had an amazing teacher, who I just want to take with me. The last week of school we had field day, awards assembly, and a lot of cleaning. Field day was mostly a really long recess. It was fun to be outside playing with my friends for so long. At the awards assembly I received two awards: reading and high test scores. I will miss my second grade class and teacher. What will you miss about this past school year? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

My First Track Meet

I had my first track meet in early May. I was very excited. I didn't win, but I had a super fun time. I also learned a lot from watching other people. I was able to participate in 4 events. I choose the 50 meter dash, the 100 meter dash, the 4 man relay and the standing long jump. The standing long jump was my favorite. 
This has been my first year participating in track and I love it!! What spring sport so you love?

Happy To Be On My Bike

It was a long winter and my brothers and I were super happy to be back on our bikes. We have a little routine of going for a bike ride after dinner. It is fun now that Ladd can keep up with me. Of course we still have to wait for mom and Jack at the end of every block. But that is ok because we are just happy to be riding again. What did you miss during the winter months?