Friday, January 25, 2013

100 Days of School

Yes, that's right! I have been in school 100 days this year. I have a super fun teacher, Mrs. Webster. She told us we could dress up as if we were 100 years old! We are also going to have 100 item trail mix. I'm bringing chocolate chips to add. It is going to be a great day! What made your day special today??

Coconut Fun

So I was very excited to see that we had a coconut in our produce basket last week. I had to wait several days before my dad was ready to get out the drill and let me try real coconut milk! I liked it but it was not what I expected. I thought it would taste like coconut but it tasted like leaves. My brother, Ladd, didn't like it at all! After we drank some we poured the rest out and it looked like water! It was not even white. I wonder why they call it milk? My dad let Ladd and I try hitting it with a hammer to crack it open. That was awesome! We hit it and hit it. Finally it broke. Then we got to eat the coconut. It was better than the milk. It was so fresh and yummy. I highly recommend trying fresh coconut.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sewing.... My First Attempt

One of the most exciting gifts I received for Christmas was a sewing machine. My first project was a purse to hold some of my new fabric. It turned out well, but took a lot longer than I thought and even involved some unpicking. It is not as easy as it looks, but I am hooked. What would you create with a sewing machine?

Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

I was very happy to find snow snow snow the day after Christmas. It snowed all day long. I love fresh snow. We jumped on the trampoline, made snow angles, climbed snow hills, and of course had snow fights. What a great day with my brothers! What is your favorite thing about snow?

Christmas Morning

Yes, I was the first to wake Christmas morning. I kindly woke my mom and dad. That was a mistake, they made me wait and wait and wait. Finally I ran in and woke the boys and we found that Santa did come!!! I knew he would because I have been really good. Thankfully he received my letter and gave me just what I asked for, Caroline. Caroline is a beautiful American Girl doll. I had a smile on all day. What was your special surprise Christmas morning?

Christmas Eve

I love our Christmas Eve tradition. Every year we go to my grandparents in Leamington. This year I actually spent the whole day because I needed to finish my mom's gift. I worked all day. The rest of the family came that evening. We ate and waited for our special guest to arrive. Finally we heard his bells and Santa came right to my grandpa's house. It's always good to get one last word to the big guy before Christmas morning! After Santa we got to open our Christmas PJs. Thanks Grandma! I then had my mom open her special gift from me. I had been working on knitting a scarf since July. It turned out great and she was super happy. What was the special gift that you have this year?

Merry Christmas Birds!

I highly recommend making a Christmas bird treat tree. It was so much fun and quite a bit of work. Our whole family ( minus Jack) helped make the popcorn strings. Jack just kept eating the popcorn. We put on four popcorns and then one or two cranberries. It took along time but we finally had enough. Then I helped my mom make bird seed ornaments and tie them with ribbon. When that was done we decorated our outside tree and it was beautiful. Now we just have to wait for the birds......
What fun tradition did you and your family start this year??

A New Haircut and Ears Pierced!

Yes it's true, after seven years of asking (begging) I finally got my ears pierced. How you ask? It all started with my hair appointment. My dad said I really needed to cut cut cut. So while sitting in the chair I noticed that the shorter my hair the more obvious my naked ears were! When I got home I told my dad I thought something was missing. What happened next was unexpected. He numbed up my ears and pierced them right there at the kitchen table!! What a great dad and great day!!!

Question of the day?

Do you think there is someone in China that doesn't like rice?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Waiting at wrestling practice

So one thing that is new, is that during December I spent a lot of time hanging out at wrestling practice. My little brother, Ladd,has practice twice a week and that means that me and my youngest brother, Jack, tag along. My mom says she has to stay in to make sure Ladd listens. So I play around the indoor track. On this day we found all this cotton laying around and decided to play Santa! It was fun. I am sure glad I have a great imagination, it helps time fly? What do you do to pass time when you have to wait somewhere?